age: 55
height: 5'9
cildhood: he was born to lily and joshua lightmere in the northshire abbywhere his parents hoped he could become a cleric. When the defias attack on the abby started when the now orphan jaladis was 15 he was left in the care of the abby maids where he was to continue his clerical learnings. After discovering he had a natural talent for the arcane he packed his bags in the middle of the night and slowly mage his way to the mage city of dalaran.
life in dalaran: his life in dalaran was well, jaladis made great strides in his mage training but attained a large amount of power at the age of 35, unfortunately he could not fight an archmage to complete his training at that point he began practacting forbidden magicssince there was no archmage to teach him more. when the mages found him studying multiple aspects of magic they locked him in the prison in the basement of dalaran. having been studying the magics for 10 years he quickly overpowered the auras and barriers that locked him away and razed the western half of the city. Jaladis fled dalaran and for the past decade has been wandering azeroth trying to find something worth fighting for.