Berter was a noblemen of the alliance and a very skilled warrior who joined the Mercenaries Of The Sun in hopes of finding adventure and fun. he made many friends and rode the ranks to the highest he could go. All things seem well until a paladin named Odysius crosses his path. Odysius was a paladin of great skill and power but had a severe burden to carry. He was cursed with an ashbringer that often corrupted at times driving him mad and making him restless his entire life. The only way to fix the curse brought upon him was to slay his brother Osyrius who was a deathknight who had recently changed his blade into a deadly but severely warped version of the ashbringer.
Odysius and Berter quickly befriended and went on many hunts for Osyrius that were unsuccesful. As the adventures proceeded berter was quickly beginning to question why he was so passionately looking for osyrius with odysius. This self curiosity led him to ask many questions and eventually lose sleep. He thought himself mad to not have a reason for feeling such a strong hate for someone he has never met before.
Then the day came, Odysius and osyrius were face to face and staring each other down. Berter, lagging behind from his last stop at the inn for supplies, mounted up and rushed to the scene as fast as he could (The entire time sensing that odysius was in grave danger). when berter arrived to the scene osyrius and odysius were both on the ground bleeding heavily. Odysius looked at berter and stared right into his eyes as he slowly passed away with tears running down his face. Berter, staring at odysius, stood completely speachless and stunned for about 5 seconds before he heard the most demonic and evil voice scream "KILL OSYRIUS NOW YOU FOOL! TAKE THE ASHBRINGER AND DO IT! THAT BLADE IS THE ONLY REASON YOUR EVEN HERE GO!!!!!!!!!".
Berter stood in blind fear staring at the blade. The blade seemed to be staring at him angrily as he picked it up and thrusted it into osyrius's heart. Once the blade pierced osyrius's flesh berter heard a lound and high pitched demonic scream in his head then he blacked out. He awakened several days later on the ground with a massive 3 mile wide crater that centered around the blade that was sticking out of the ground. The brothers bodies were nowhere to be found, and as berter arose he looked at himself and realized the blade had perminantly changed him. a sudden feeling of hatred for everything began to fill his body and almost took over his mind. he heard the same demonic voice say to him "grab the blade and you might live if the blade has now chosen you".
Berter lunges at the blade and as he pulls it out of the ground he feels a strong rush of pure power rushing through his body. He swings the blade and with that swing followed a massive wave of dark energy that shot into the air at incredibly high speeds and seemed to slice the clouds above him in half. Berter was chosen by the ashbringer and is now a much darker person than he once was but remains in the Mercs in hopes of finding a way to cure his mind of the corruption that has taken over
his mind.